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Steroids side effects

  • 06 December, 2024
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In this article, we will look at all the possible side effects of steroids, androgenic anabolic steroids (AASs), more specifically. Even more we will also look at the side effects of some other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) that one is quite likely to use along with steroids like clomid as part of post-cycle therapy or human growth hormone, and so on.

To begin with, one needs to understand what steroids are.

Steroids are substances that have effects similar to testosterone, a male sex hormone. This includes testosterone injections and numerous synthetic drugs that are very similar to testosterone but have slightly different properties and, thus, a safety profile.

Since testosterone is naturally produced in the human body, in males mainly by testicles, in females by adrenals, and due to the conversion of estrogens by fat tissues, the question arises as to why it could be harmful at all.

Well, there are a few reasons why steroids may be harmful. Below are a few of the main reasons:

Androgenic effect

Steroids are not just anabolic; they are androgenic anabolic steroids. This means that they not only enhance protein synthesis and help build muscles, but they are also responsible for the development of male characteristics in the body.

Thus, when taken excessively, the androgenic effect causes excessive growth of body hairs, hoarsening of voice, acne, and other issues. Such issues may be of significant concern for females and are notable quite quickly. That is why females need to use steroids with weak androgenic activity.

Usage of Supraphysiological Dosages

Sports people take testosterone or steroids at high dosages. This ensures that testosterone/androgen levels in their body become multiple times higher than their normal limits. Surely, this boosts muscle growth quite well. However, at very high dosages, testosterone or steroid may cause much harm, like making a person more aggressive, increasing the risk of roid rage, depression, and other health issues.

Different Chemical Structure

Steroids are chemically very close to natural testosterone, but not exactly the same. Even testosterone injections differ a bit due to esterification, which prolongs their action. Synthetic steroids are considerably different, and hence, these are not completely natural products, thus causing some side effects and toxicities. For example, some of the synthetic steroids are hepatotoxic.

Negative Feedback

When the body has excessive levels of testosterone or steroids in the blood, the body can sense it through the network of receptors. Thus, it tries to return their levels to normal or lower them. Hence, the brain sends a signal to the testicles (of course, in males) to stop producing testosterone. However, chronic steroid use and, thus, constant negative feedback from the brain may prevent testicles from producing testosterone for months.

If something is not used, it is lost in the human body. Thus, in the long run, this negative feedback damages testosterone-producing cells in the testicles, reducing natural testosterone production.
This explains why it is so important to use steroids in cycles and use post-cycle therapy (PCT) – as these strategies help prevent this side effect.

Conversion to Estrogens

In men, testosterone is converted to estrogens in small amounts. However, if they use steroids or testosterone injections at higher dosages, they also get converted to estrogens. High estrogen levels cause issues like gynecomastia or an increase in breast size.

There are two ways to prevent this issue. Firstly, using steroids that do not undergo aromatization and are not converted to estrogens. Secondly, aromatase inhibitors can be used as part of post-cycle therapy. Anastrozole (Arimidex) is an example of one such drug.


Steroids also contain excipients like preservatives. However, some of the excipients may also cause side effects like allergies or even organ toxicity. Thus, it is vital to buy steroids from a reliable source.

Organ Stress

Steroids boost protein synthesis and muscle growth but also increase organ stress, especially for the liver and kidneys.

Metabolic Changes

Anabolic steroids cause changes in metabolism, and that is why they work. However, it also means high cholesterol levels, higher insulin resistance risk, and other unwanted metabolic changes.

Side Effects of Steroids

Now that we understand the causes of side effects from steroids let us look at the side effects of some commonly used steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.

1. Testosterone Variants

Testosterone Enanthate (Test-E) and Testosterone Cypionate (Test-C):

  • Usage: These are long-acting testosterone esters commonly used for hormone replacement therapy and performance enhancement. They promote muscle growth, increase strength, and enhance recovery.
  • Side Effects: Acne, hair loss, increased aggression, gynecomastia (development of breast tissue in males), water retention, elevated blood pressure, and suppression of natural testosterone production.


  • Usage: A blend of four different testosterone esters (Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Isocaproate, and Testosterone Decanoate) designed for a sustained release of testosterone.
  • Side Effects: Similar to Test-E and Test-C, including potential liver strain, mood swings, and increased risk of cardiovascular issues.

2. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone/Methandienone)

  • Usage: Dianabol is ann oral anabolic steroid known for rapid muscle mass and strength gains. Popular among bodybuilders for bulking phases.
  • Side Effects: Liver toxicity, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, acne, hair loss, gynecomastia, and water retention.

3. Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate):

  • Usage: Deca is an injectable steroid favored for its ability to promote muscle growth, enhance recovery, and increase red blood cell production.
  • Side Effects: Suppression of natural testosterone, joint pain, increased risk of cardiovascular issues, gynecomastia, and potential liver strain.

4. Trenbolone:

  • Usage: Trenbolone is a potent anabolic steroid used for rapid muscle gains and fat loss. Known for its ability to increase nitrogen retention and protein synthesis.
  • Side Effects: Severe suppression of natural testosterone, increased aggression, insomnia, night sweats, cardiovascular strain, and potential liver toxicity.

5. Stanozolol (Winstrol):

  • Usage: Stanozolol is vailable in oral and injectable forms, used to promote lean muscle mass and enhance athletic performance without significant water retention.
  • Side Effects: Liver toxicity, joint pain, cholesterol imbalances, acne, hair loss, and suppression of natural testosterone.

6. Boldenone (Equipoise):

  • Usage: Originally developed for veterinary use, Boldenone is popular among bodybuilders for its ability to promote steady muscle growth and increased red blood cell production.
  • Side Effects: Acne, hair loss, increased aggression, suppression of natural testosterone, and potential cardiovascular issues.

7. Human Growth Hormone (HGH):

  • Usage: Used to promote muscle growth, fat loss, and recovery. HGH is also employed for its anti-aging properties.
  • Side Effects: Joint and muscle pain, insulin resistance, increased risk of diabetes, abnormal growth of bones and organs, and potential cardiovascular strain.

Other Performance-Enhancing Drugs

1. Clenbuterol:

  • Usage: Clen is a bronchodilator used for its fat-burning and muscle-preserving properties. Popular among athletes during cutting phases.
  • Side Effects: Increased heart rate, tremors, anxiety, insomnia, electrolyte imbalances, and potential heart hypertrophy.

2. Insulin:

  • Usage: Used to promote muscle growth by increasing nutrient uptake into cells.
  • Side Effects: Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), fat storage, increased risk of infections, and potential for insulin resistance.

3. SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators):

  • Usage: Designed to selectively target muscle and bone tissues to promote growth without significant side effects.
  • Side Effects: Suppression of natural testosterone, liver toxicity, and potential unknown long-term effects.

Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids and PEDs

The use of anabolic steroids and PEDs can lead to a wide range of side effects, some of which can be severe and long-lasting:

1. Cardiovascular Issues:

  • Hypertension: Elevated blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Cholesterol Imbalances: Decreased HDL (good cholesterol) and increased LDL (bad cholesterol) contribute to atherosclerosis.
  • Heart Enlargement: Increased cardiac muscle mass can lead to heart failure.

2. Hepatic Toxicity:

  • Liver Damage: Oral steroids like Dianabol and Stanozolol are particularly hepatotoxic, leading to liver tumors and liver failure.
  • Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes due to liver dysfunction.

3. Endocrine Disruption:

  • Hormonal Imbalance: Suppression of natural testosterone production can lead to testicular atrophy, infertility, and decreased libido.
  • Gynecomastia: Elevated estrogen levels cause the development of breast tissue in males.

4. Psychological Effects:

  • Mood Swings: Increased aggression, irritability, and mood instability (“roid rage”).
  • Depression and Anxiety: Post-cycle hormonal imbalances can lead to depressive symptoms and anxiety.

5. Musculoskeletal Problems:

  • Tendon Weakness: Rapid muscle growth can outpace tendon strength, increasing the risk of injuries.
  • Joint Pain: Water retention can cause discomfort in joints and muscles.

6. Dermatological Issues:

  • Acne and Oily Skin: Increased sebaceous gland activity leads to acne outbreaks.
  • Hair Loss: Accelerated hair loss in individuals genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness.

7. Reproductive Health:

  • Infertility: Suppression of sperm production can lead to temporary or permanent infertility.
  • Prostate Enlargement: Increased risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

After a cycle of anabolic steroids or PEDs, Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is essential to help restore the body’s natural hormone levels and mitigate side effects. PCT typically involves the use of specific drugs designed to stimulate natural testosterone production, block estrogen, and maintain muscle gains.

1. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs):

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate):

  • Function: Blocks estrogen receptors in breast tissue to prevent gynecomastia and stimulates the hypothalamus to increase the release of gonadotropins (LH and FSH), promoting natural testosterone production.
  • Side Effects: Hot flashes, nausea, headaches, and potential vision disturbances.

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate):

  • Function: Similar to Nolvadex, Clomid stimulates the release of LH and FSH, enhancing natural testosterone production while blocking estrogen receptors.
  • Side Effects: Mood swings, visual disturbances, nausea, and headaches.

2. Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs):

Arimidex (Anastrozole):

  • Function: Inhibits the aromatase enzyme, reducing the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, thereby lowering estrogen levels and preventing estrogen-related side effects.
  • Side Effects: Joint pain, hot flashes, fatigue, and potential negative effects on cholesterol levels.

3. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG):

  • Function: Mimics luteinizing hormone (LH) to stimulate testosterone production in the testes, preventing testicular atrophy and maintaining sperm production.
  • Side Effects: Gynecomastia, water retention, headaches, and potential overstimulation of testosterone production leading to imbalances.

4. Human Growth Hormone (HGH):

  • Usage in PCT: While primarily used for muscle growth and recovery, HGH can support PCT by promoting tissue repair and maintaining muscle mass.
  • Side Effects: Joint pain, muscle aches, insulin resistance, and potential for abnormal growth of bones and organs if misused.

Additional PCT Considerations

1. Dosage and Timing:

  • SERMs (Nolvadex and Clomid): Typically initiated two weeks after the last steroid dose and continued for 4-6 weeks.
  • HCG: Often used during or immediately after the steroid cycle to maintain testicular size and function.
  • Aromatase Inhibitors: May be used concurrently with SERMs to manage estrogen levels effectively.

2. Monitoring Health:

  • Regular Blood Tests: Essential to monitor hormone levels, liver function, and cardiovascular health during PCT.
  • Consultation with Healthcare Professionals: Guidance from medical experts can optimize PCT protocols and address any emerging health issues.

3. Lifestyle Factors:

  • Nutrition and Supplements: Adequate protein intake, vitamins, and minerals support recovery and hormonal balance.
  • Exercise: Maintaining a moderate exercise regimen helps preserve muscle mass without overstressing the body during recovery.
  • Rest and Sleep: Sufficient rest is crucial for hormonal restoration and overall health during PCT.


Anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs can offer significant benefits in terms of muscle growth, strength, and athletic performance. However, their use comes with a substantial risk of adverse side effects, ranging from cardiovascular and hepatic issues to hormonal imbalances and psychological disturbances.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a critical component of steroid use, aimed at restoring the body’s natural hormone levels, minimizing side effects, and preserving the gains achieved during the cycle.

Understanding the various anabolic steroids, their side effects, and the essential components of PCT can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their use of PEDs. It is imperative to approach steroid use with caution, prioritize health and safety, and seek professional medical guidance to navigate the complexities of performance enhancement and recovery effectively.

Tags side effects, of anabolic steroids, Steroids, side effects, steroid shot side effects, sides, AAS, unwanted, effects

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