- James
- 29 January, 2024
- 267
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Donating blood while on steroids
Donating blood is a good practice as it helps save lives. However, those donating blood should also have a healthy lifestyle. Blood donors must not be infected with HIV, viral hepatitis, and other difficult-to-treat infections. Further, one should not use substances of abuse before donating blood.
However, what about anabolic steroids? Can one donate blood when on a cycle?
Well, this is a complex question. Ideally, one should not be taking any medications or performance-enhancing drugs when donating blood. However, on the other hand, it is also vital to understand that, unlike street drugs, steroids do not cause harm or a high. In fact, steroids are even beneficial for weak bodies. Theoretically, if there are some anabolic steroids in the blood, that would not hurt the recipient in any way. It means that one can donate blood when taking anabolic steroids in emergency situations.
However, things differ in non-emergency situations. In such instances, one should try to first clean the body. After all, steroids do not stay in the body forever. Hence, it is always a good idea to donate blood when one is clean and not taking any drugs. Although the risk is minimal, steroids in the donor’s blood might interact with certain medications that the recipient might be taking. Moreover, blood recipients are often individuals living with severe ailments.
There are two kinds of steroids: long-acting with action lasting for a few weeks, and short-acting (most orally taken steroids) with action lasting a few days.
Things are pretty simple with short-acting anabolic steroids. One may take a few days break before donating blood. Although some anabolic steroids might still be there in the blood, after a few days, their level is too small to pose any threat.
However, when it comes to long-acting steroids, things differ, especially when they are taken at higher dosages. Moreover, when people take anabolic steroids for bulking or performance enhancement, they are quite likely to take steroids at higher dosages and even combine a few steroids (stacking).
In such instances, it is vital to know the half-life of some commonly used long-acting steroids. For this, refer to the table given below:
Here, it is essential to know that steroids will remain in the blood in sufficient amounts for twice the half-life period. Thus, for example, trenbolone will stay in blood in sufficient amounts for 2-3 weeks. Hence, most people can donate blood after three weeks when taking this particular steroid. One can calculate similarly for other steroids.
It is vital to understand that it takes much longer to become completely clean. Thus, this does not mean that one is clean after three weeks of stopping using trenbolone. However, the amount of trenbolone in the blood will be very small to cause any issue.
To conclude, donating blood while on steroids is relatively safe, but only in emergencies. However, if time allows, it is better to wait until the body is clean of steroids.
Tags Steroids, Donating Blood, donor, on, roids, help, blut spenden