- James
- 11 February, 2024
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PCT and women
Post-cycle therapy (PCT) in women has similar objectives to PCT in men, which is overcoming the side effects and hormonal changes caused by the prolonged use of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS).
However, women differ from men hormonally. Moreover, they might have different reasons to use anabolic steroids. Men mostly take steroids to bulk and increase strength quickly. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to use them to increase strength and yet become leaner. Anabolic steroids alter body composition and help reduce total body fat, and hence become leaner.
To use anabolic steroids safely, they are used in cycles. This means that men and women use them for a few weeks, and then they take a break so that the body has time to recover.
However, for women, frequent anabolic steroid use poses specific challenges. Anabolic steroids also have a virilizing effect. It means that they promote the growth of body hair, cause voice changes, and produce other signs of masculinity in females, something that is highly undesirable. Needless to say, high levels of androgens in women also cause changes in fertility, and these hormonal changes disrupt menstrual cycles.
Another significant difference between men and women is that for women, aromatization and conversion of anabolic steroids to estrogens are not the cause for concern. However, in women, this does not occur significantly. Moreover, for women, the concern is quite different. Unlike men, they would rather maintain a good estrogen level.
Some Androgenic Anabolic Steroids Are Better for Women
Before we continue our discussion regarding PCT and how it should be different in women, it is also vital to understand that the choice of anabolics would differ for women. Women generally prefer milder anabolics with less pronounced androgenic activity. This will cause fewer side effects.
Thus, for example, Anavar (Oxandrolone) is less likely to cause virilization, and it is also good for weight loss and gaining lean mass. Similarly, Winstrol (Stanozolol) is quite good for gaining lean mass with a lesser risk of androgenic side effects.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that women should always start with a minimum dosage of anabolic steroids. It is vital to understand that they are more sensitive towards anabolics. Thus, they can gain results at much lower dosages. Lower dosage would also help minimize risks. Women should also be slow at increasing the dosage of steroids, unlike men. Women should generally avoid stacking, as a single steroid would suffice in most instances.
Getting Started with PCT in Women
Women are susceptible to hormonal changes. Thus, even minor hormonal changes might significantly impact their mood and feelings of well-being. This means that they should use steroids in shorter cycles and always consider PCT.
The primary aim of PCT is to help overcome some harm caused by steroids. However, PCT does not neutralize the gains. This is because PCT is not opposite to anabolic steroids. PCT only aims to help with certain side effects of anabolic steroids and also re-establish its natural hormone production.
Do women really need PCT?
There are two main reasons why we have raised this important question here. Firstly, women are hormonally different from men, so what works for men may not work for women. Secondly, there is a lot of false information on the internet.
In short, it is vital to understand that PCT is optional in women. In many cases, it is not needed. Next, we will explain why?
Men use PCT for two main reasons: to revive testosterone production by testicles, suppress aromatization of anabolic steroids, and reduce estrogen production, which occurs due to prolonged steroid use.
So, as one can see, both these issues do not occur in women. In women, steroids do not suppress testosterone production. Since, in women, there is a small testosterone production that remains largely uninfluenced by anabolic steroids.
Similarly, women do not need to prevent conversion of anabolics to estrogens. This is because their bodies differ, and they do not convert anabolic steroids to estrogens via aromatization.
Hence, the primary reason for women to undergo PCT is to regularize periods and counter the side effects of anabolic steroids. These aims are entirely different from men and thus require an absolutely different approach.
So, like men, women do not need to take Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) or Anastrozole (Aromasin), as they do not need to block estrogens and their effects. Using these medications would cause more side effects and not much good. Doctors only prescribe these two drugs to women when treating hormone-sensitive tumors. However, these two drugs have no value in PCT for women.
So, now we know what women must not be doing. Remember that many websites are wrongly recommending those two drugs for PCT due to a lack of understanding. However, we have explained the reason not to use those two drugs.
Since women need to overcome the testosterone-like virilizing effects of anabolic steroids, the best way to achieve this is by taking frequent breaks. This would be enough to reduce blood levels of androgenic compounds produced by anabolic steroids. Hence, women should have longer resting periods compared to men.
Secondly, they need to regularize their periods and ovulation and boost their fertility. This can be done by using hCG hormone, which boosts luteinizing hormone production and promotes ovulation.
In some instances, especially in the absence of ovulation, women may consider using Clomid.
Thirdly, they should also consider using vitamin D, which is quite good for hormonal health.
Benefits of PCT in Women
- Hormonal Restoration: PCT helps restore hormonal levels, preventing long-term imbalances. It also helps regularize periods.
- Fertility Preservation: PCT aims to protect fertility by addressing disruptions in the reproductive system and promoting ovulation.
- Minimization of Side Effects: Properly executed PCT minimizes the risk of virilization and other unwanted effects.
- Overall Health Safeguard: By restoring hormonal equilibrium, PCT contributes to the preservation of cardiovascular and bone health.
To sum up, men and women are hormonally quite different. It means that what works for men would not work for women. Both genders have different reasons to use PCT, which are vital to understand before initiating PCT.
Tags female, woman, pct, post cycle therapy, after cycle