- James
- 15 March, 2024
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How to start with steroids
How To Start with Steroids?
If you have decided to start using steroids, you have come to the right place. Here, we will tell you everything that one needs to get started with steroids.
Of course, before getting started, it is vital to understand its pros and cons. It is vital to understand that one can use steroids safely when they are used responsibly and with knowledge. It is vital to understand that when people start using steroids, they no longer want to train without steroids, as gains without steroids are very slow. However, it is vital not to abuse steroids and use them in cycles, with periods of use followed by periods of rest, which helps the body recover, thus minimizing the risk of any long-term adverse effects related to steroid use.
Generally, steroids are not likely to cause many side effects in the short run. However, if abused, they significantly suppress the body’s natural testosterone production. In the long run, steroids may also alter brain function a bit and also increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders. As far as liver health is concerned, androids rarely cause serious liver issues.
So, before starting, learn about steroids and their possible side effects, and then weigh the pros and cons. Next, ensure that you only use steroids in cycles and never continually.
Although not necessary, it may be good to have a health checkup before getting started with steroids. Thus, it is good to know your sugars, cholesterol, liver function, and kidney levels.
And, one more advice: always start with milder steroids and progress slowly. Also, start with lower dosages, then increase dosage slowly over the months, not days.
Beginner Friendly Steroids
This article is for those who have never used steroids. For such individuals, it is strongly recommended to get started with injectable testosterone. This is because testosterone is among the safest of options, and yet it is quite good for bulking. After all, testosterone is naturally present in the body.
Of course, if you are among those who fear pricks or have a phobia regarding injectables, then one of the good choices of oral steroids could be Anavar/Oxandrolone. It is among the mildest steroids and is also good for females. In fact, women can start their journey with steroids with Anavar since testosterone injections are not a perfect choice for them.
Steroids Sample for Beginners
Once you have decided about the steroid to get started with, it is vital to understand that one should only take steroids in cycles. This means taking steroids for 10-12 weeks and then taking a break for at least 10-12 weeks or even more. Suppose you take steroids for 12 weeks, and take a break for another 12 weeks. In that case, that will result in a cycle of 24 weeks, and the ratio of use and rest would be 1:1. However, initially, one can even use the ratio of 1:2, which means using steroids for 12 weeks and then taking a break for 24 weeks. A ratio of 1:1 is good for most people in mid-term, even.
Below is the practical way to get started:
As one can see from the table above, the best way to get started is with a basic testosterone cycle. Alternatively, one can consider Anavar to get started.
However, as one progresses, it is fine to consider stacking. Stacking helps produce much better results and, at the same time, helps avoid side effects. In the table above are a few recommendations for bulking, cutting, etc. Bulking is when one aims to gain muscle mass; even some fat mass gain is fine. The cutting cycle seeks to gain or maintain muscle mass and reduce fat mass. During cutting, one also avoids steroids that cause water retention.
Learn About Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT)
Beginners do not need aggressive PCT. Nonetheless, it is good to consider PCT. Two of the drugs that beginners might use for PCT are Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid).
Tamoxifen is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that helps control estrogen levels and stimulate natural testosterone production. Clomiphene Citrate is another SERM with similar effects to Tamoxifen, aiding in the restoration of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes (HPT) axis. For beginners, Clomid may be a better choice due to its slightly different mode of action and higher efficacy in boosting natural testosterone levels.
Do not start PCT immediately after discontinuing steroid use or cycle. Instead, wait for a few days. Below are some of the recommendations for PCT:
• Week 1-2:
o Tamoxifen: 40 mg daily OR Clomiphene Citrate: 50 mg daily
• Week 3-4:
o Tamoxifen: 20 mg daily OR Clomiphene Citrate: 25 mg daily
In summary, steroids can significantly help gain muscle mass, strength, and endurance. They can enhance results by multiple times. One can use steroids safely, but one needs to learn and keep learning to avoid harm due to prolonged steroid use.
Tags beginner, guide, how to, start, newbie, I want to use, new to steroids
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